Recent tweets
@angiemeeker @optinmonster Simplicity, that’s the WORK.
RT @syedbalkhi: Have you ever wanted to reduce WordPress plugins on your site?
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easy way to add future-…
RT @dmofengineering: Rooting through git blame trying to figure out who’s responsible for this shit.
just found this, interesting:…
I'm curious, how do you handle your little tooltips in this ebook?
@waitbutwhy It would be super awesome if your PDF downloads were better compatible with kindle. The first picture is the actual PDF, the 2nd after importing to kindle
@ryanflorence @paul_irish deleted tweet makes me real sad… trying to keep up w/ this thread and learn. So what is the takeaway here?
RT @killklassy: the prophecy has been fulfilled
RT @HowISeeItPod: Mark & @Jtsternberg cross-examine our newest guest, Judge Jason Disbrow. Join as we get a fascinating How I See It look b…
I would watch the heck out of batman movie like this (Old school meets new)…