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@JJJ @markjaquith @biblestudytools Yep, all a fair assessment. Honestly was just hoping their was one of those hidden ios secret things where you could easily select link text vs url, regardless of UI/etc.
@richardperry lol yah I figured. The notification showed me your tweet anyway. I clicked to reply and got that notice.
@richardperry “Can’t reply to deleted tweet”… I 👀 you
@markjaquith It’s not always a problem, but experience issues like this often enough. It’s hard to see in this video as it doesn’t show tap positions, but the anchor covers the whole area. Finally got it on the last try:
@miklb No worries. It’s just an annoying 1st world problem. :)
@miklb That’s the thing. I don’t want the link (URL), I want the link text. Like <a>this part</a>.
Anyone know an iOS trick to copy a link’s text, NOT the URL? Tap/dragging only brings up the menu to copy the URL. Dragging on text before/after link is not always feasible.
RT @mattiasgeniar: 1. Go to Google
2. Search Thanos
3. Click the Infinity Gauntlet
4. Enjoy
Well played, Google!
Age of Miss America correlates with Murders by steam, hot vapours and hot objects:… (e.g. correlation != causation)
RT @umaar: Dev Tips: DevTools – See affected nodes and matching selectors with long-hover:… – Useful to visually see…