Justin Sternberg @Jtsternberg
Southport, NC, USA | http://about.me/jtsternberg

Recent tweets

RT @richardbuff: @Jtsternberg It's simple, but I love that I learned Cmd+L to focus on the Chrome address bar. Also I like that / will foc…

11:18am May 2nd 2019 view on twitter

Where have you been all my life twitter.com/salcode/status…

11:08am May 2nd 2019 view on twitter

Nice! I’ve used cmd+shift+w to close all tabs in a window, but never this one to close all windows! twitter.com/analogophile/s…

11:07am May 2nd 2019 view on twitter

RT @nathanwpyle: everyone holds on to a sentimental token from their childhood, for me it is the base of the food pyramid and its recommend…

10:49am May 2nd 2019 view on twitter

@InfoSecSherpa My pleasure. :) But you didn’t answer the question. Now it’s your turn. 😛

10:48am May 2nd 2019 view on twitter

RT @gergolippai: long pressing the power button at the end of the work week like i don't even care ;) twitter.com/Jtsternberg/st…

10:46am May 2nd 2019 view on twitter

@InfoSecSherpa Opens recently closed tabs in the order you closed them! Super handy if you accidentally closed a tab, or if you realized you weren’t done w/ a tab you closed recently.

10:45am May 2nd 2019 view on twitter

@Cole_Watts Lol welp, I guess I’ll count it. Though you said 2, and had 3 ☕️, so now I’m trying to see if there’s some deeper meaning there.

10:44am May 2nd 2019 view on twitter

@richardperry @jack 👍when in doubt, always blame @jack.

10:43am May 2nd 2019 view on twitter

What’s one feature/hack you used today that makes you happy?

For me, cmd+shift+t in the browser.

10:42am May 2nd 2019 view on twitter