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@LongMeaghan @blankenship @logolanddotbiz Agreed!
@LongMeaghan One Mr @blankenship.
RT @colindowling: Me: your website looks terrible, doesnt function properly, is confusing and slow. You might think about addressing that.…
@jewdyblume Yes plzzzzzz!
@slaFFik Ha which one?
RT @_tr: We'll we'll we'll if it isn't autocorrect
RT @jessebc: I’m looking to add a well-rounded illustrator to the Creative Direction team at Shopify. Reach out if you’re interested or if…
Successful large deployment to a large app during business hours……
@scottbolinger Awesome man, do it!
@scottbolinger Wish we were close man. I’d love to go out with you and have you show me the ropes.