Recent tweets
@laurenpittenger Nice, I’m actually looking at their pricing page now! Do you happen to know if they are squarespace only?
I have a counselor friend looking to do scheduling/bookings/payments online. Anyone done anything line that? Plugins for WordPress?
Here’s two different ones in the last year
Mostly I appreciate the renewed maker/craftsman ideals, but also part of me resents/eyerolls at the long drawn out social media/advertising campaigns over the creation/design/rollout of … a pen.
.@glennansley gave me a shot at my first commissioned WordPress work, then vouched for me with @webdevstudios. Huge thanks to he and @williamsba for giving this house painter nobody a chance to switch careers and quality of life!
@joshlevinson @bezierer @webdevstudios @GregRickaby Ditto! You deserve every bit of your success!
RT @danielepolencic: "How did you learn everything you know about Kubernetes?"
@mattbrett Yah, still janky, but I don’t disable it because I actually like the option to answer from the mac. Just wish the alternative wasn’t janky.
And in case you ask, pushing the “pause” button on the keyboard? That makes the facetime app answer the phone call…. 🤦♂️