Recent tweets
@mystrou please please please please please update Calvetica! Pretty please? I’m 999% positive a paid update would do quite well.
RT @JeffMyspace: I just feel like all-purpose flour is misrepresenting the number of things it can do
RT @MatthewEPierce: .@ChickfilA i climbed into one of your play areas to retrieve my small daughter, i have become lost in the tube tunnels…
RT @DigitalLawyer: Oooof. Was just subjected to the most credible phishing attempt I've experienced to date. Here were the steps:
1) "Hi,…
Sneak peek #shousugiban @ Generations Church…
@salcode @webdevstudios Congrats Sal! I like that place. :)
RT @eff_yeah_steph: Today’s goal: Inject every conversation with a heavily emphasized “over all” while wearing overalls.
@bezierer I’m sorry Cameron. Let me know if I can do anything.
I’ve not seen the “It”s movies, but this seems to check out.
“Pennywise And Mary Poppins Are From The Same Species”…