Justin Sternberg @Jtsternberg
Southport, NC, USA | http://about.me/jtsternberg

Recent tweets

RT @Jason: Obama lecturing young people to stop being social justice media warriors and to go out and actually do some thing in the world #…

2:07pm Nov 20th 2019 view on twitter

“We don’t need a rotation of martyrs that we churn through. All we need is a constant accumulation of reasonable and sustainable efforts.” — Unfortunately, I see a lot of that churn in WP. Where the old guard is burned out and fresh new passionate folks jump into the gaps left.

1:34pm Nov 20th 2019 view on twitter

This post is so so good.
People need to be aware of the costs involved, and what it means to contribute to something without hurting yourself or your family in the process. alainschlesser.com/the-cost-of-co… via @schlessera

1:30pm Nov 20th 2019 view on twitter

RT @svinkle: Hey friend, are you frustrated with the Apple #TouchBar, too? Don't sweat it! Here's "How to make the Touch Bar slightly more…

2:59pm Nov 1st 2019 view on twitter

9:06am Oct 30th 2019 view on twitter

Ugh, next paragraph is so good too. So many good things, you should just read it. leadershipnow.com/tr-citizenship…

8:50am Oct 30th 2019 view on twitter

Reading Teddy Roosevelt’s “man in the arena” speech. This particular passage is poignant in today’s often-polarized political climate. https://t.co/4OWgTS6bYC

8:38am Oct 30th 2019 view on twitter

Ok, last one of this, no more “sneak peeks”. This was a really fun project where I got to practice my #shousugiban skills, learned how to work with LED light tape, and utilized a “French cleat” for the first time, to… instagram.com/p/B4IXAXXlR54/…

1:49pm Oct 27th 2019 view on twitter

RT @MetroUK: Never felt so useless… 🙃

(via youtube.com/channel/UC4E1g…) https://t.co/2zdGMJxLtW

7:17pm Oct 15th 2019 view on twitter

RT @TheOwenMyers: The dogs keep jumping the fence, a solution has been found🐶😁 https://t.co/uERAWa3F37

12:56pm Oct 14th 2019 view on twitter