Justin Sternberg @Jtsternberg
Southport, NC, USA | http://about.me/jtsternberg

Recent tweets

RT @secretGeek: There are 2 hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-1 errors.

12:24pm Jul 10th 2020 view on twitter

@Kathy_Darling To follow-up, they sent the offer through airbnb and due to fees/taxes, it was a bit more than the offer through text, but definitely worth it to stay above board. Relieved not everyone is shady, even if maintaining shady practices…

5:07pm Jul 6th 2020 view on twitter

@Kathy_Darling *may be legit

4:58pm Jul 6th 2020 view on twitter

@Kathy_Darling They seem to be willing to oblige and my be legit, but dang, they need to know that feel super shady and can get them in trouble w/ airbnb.

4:57pm Jul 6th 2020 view on twitter

@Kathy_Darling I responded asking them to send the offer through Airbnb, then messaged them via airbnb message asking them to verify the offer they sent, so I know they are the same person.

4:57pm Jul 6th 2020 view on twitter

@Kathy_Darling Ok, that’s what I thought. Thank you for confirming.

4:46pm Jul 6th 2020 view on twitter

@michelfortin I don’t, sorry! You may want to check with the @monsterinsights team, as I believe they may have that on their radar.

4:43pm Jul 6th 2020 view on twitter

Airbnb host texted with offer to add a bonus night at a discount, but wants me to call w/ credit card details. Feels shady. Is there a better way??

4:42pm Jul 6th 2020 view on twitter

RT @ScarletChappell: Just farted on a zoom call and it lit my name up.

I've been betrayed

3:25pm Jun 23rd 2020 view on twitter

1:01am Jun 17th 2020 view on twitter