Recent tweets
@coreymcollins @bezierer The reviews tho… 🔥🔥🔥
@bezierer @coreymcollins Ha ha ha yeeeesss! 8 years ahead… But that picture of Corey… so good, so flattering.
(I hope google’s getting these kinks out of the system before their code freeze the week of black friday… 🤞)
uh oh…
RT @ClareHymer: oh my lord this is UNREAL
RT @MNateShyamalan: jury duty is a wild concept. whenever the government wants, they can just be like “call off work bestie, we need you to…
RT @mar15sa: "I love remote work, but I'm having trouble with boundaries between my work and personal life. I used to use my commute to rel…
@LisaSabinWilson 😭😭😭
RT @waitbutwhy: In a furious argument with my wife. Are those his arms or his legs?