Recent tweets
RT @HowISeeItPod: In this episode, Justin and Mark discuss the value of changing our minds. Should we be open-minded? Will our brains fall…
@anchor is it possible to adjust the overall volume of an audio clip? Realizing the audio we recorded is too low. 🙄
RT @alphacolin: A hugely underrated part of having a globally distributed team is that it connects you to people all over the world. When y…
*tap tap* is this thing on? My good friend Mark (not on social media) and I just started a podcast. 🎙
It’s about life, faith and the intersection of heady/heavy topics.
We’d be pleased to have you join us there!
Follow @dangelicony @SeymourDuncanPickups @Suprousa and @Pigtronix for your chance to win an incredible prize package!… #shamelesspromo #givemethatgiveaway
Get it while it's hot!…
@angiemeeker Oh staaaahp
Happy New Year!!! #fb