@JiveDig You can use the ‘before’ and ‘after’ field parameters.
11:23pm Sep 3rd 2014 view on twitter
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@Jtsternberg playing with that now. Can only get before/after ALL fields.. i’m trying to get in between specific fields.
@Jtsternberg Oh sorry, read that as before/after hook… field parameters.. hmmm. Digging. THanks
@Jtsternberg Ahh, but that puts the markup inside the li.cmb-row.. i guess I’m trying to div wrap the li.. which doesn’t make sense. Crap.
@Jtsternberg playing with that now. Can only get before/after ALL fields.. i’m trying to get in between specific fields.
@Jtsternberg Oh sorry, read that as before/after hook… field parameters.. hmmm. Digging. THanks
@Jtsternberg Ahh, but that puts the markup inside the li.cmb-row.. i guess I’m trying to div wrap the li.. which doesn’t make sense. Crap.