Justin Sternberg @Jtsternberg
Southport, NC, USA | http://about.me/jtsternberg

May 2017

@JiveDig Not saying that it does, but that’s the title of the issue you pointed to. 😝

3:08pm May 31st 2017 view on twitter

@JiveDig No, no, just saying it takes some significant consideration.

3:08pm May 31st 2017 view on twitter

@JiveDig Which is why big things like markup re-writes is a huge ask. And changing UI can be problematic as well. (… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…

3:07pm May 31st 2017 view on twitter

@JiveDig My biggest concern (now and always) is back-compat. So many devs trust us at this point, we have to keep f… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…

3:06pm May 31st 2017 view on twitter

@JiveDig uuuugggh, me too.

3:00pm May 31st 2017 view on twitter

@JiveDig You are far too complementary lol.

2:58pm May 31st 2017 view on twitter

@JiveDig Decently.

2:53pm May 31st 2017 view on twitter

This, to me, is reason enough to provide pay for apprenticeship. @ecehren kills it in this @zaowebdev post:… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…

1:50pm May 31st 2017 view on twitter

@JiveDig Well you can, but not while still using the mce views I think.

9:44pm May 30th 2017 view on twitter

@JiveDig Ha ha ha glad you like it!

8:52pm May 30th 2017 view on twitter